Comment utiliser l'intégration ChatBotKit Notion pour synchroniser les pages Notion avec les ensembles de données ?
ChatBotKit is a powerful tool that allows you to create chatbots with ease. One of its features is the Notion integration, which lets you synchronize Notion pages with datasets. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to use the ChatBotKit Notion integration.
Step 1: Create a Token and Share Content with Custom Notion Integration
To start, you need to create a token and share content with the custom Notion integration. This is necessary to allow ChatBotKit to access your Notion pages.
To create a token, go to your Notion Integrations. Press the “New Integration” button. Give it a name and Associated workspace. In the “Content Capabilities” select “Read Content”. You can safely disable of the rest. You can also set the “User Capabilities” to “No user information” for extra security. Finally, press the “Submit” button.
You will be presented with your integration page. Copy this token and keep it safe because you will need it later.
Next, you need to share the Notion pages with the custom Notion integration. To do this, go to the page you want to share, and click on the tripple dot button on the top right corner. Then, select “Add Connections”. Type the name of the new integration and click on it.
Step 2: Create a New Dataset or Use an Existing One
In ChatBotKit, you need to create a new dataset or use an existing one. Datasets are collections of data that can be used to train your chatbot.
To create a new dataset, go to the ChatBotKit Datasets page. Click Create Dataset. Set up the name and description of the dataset.
Step 3: Create a New Notion Importer from the Integrations Page
After creating the dataset, you need to create a New Notion Importer from the Integrations page in ChatBotKit. Here, you will need to set up a name and optional description for the integration. Also, you have to set up the Notion token and choose the dataset you want to import.
To set up the Notion token, paste the token you copied earlier into the "Token" field. Then, select the dataset you want to import to and click on the "Create" button.
Step 4: Press the Sync Button to Start the Synchronization
Finally, press the Sync button to start the synchronization process. All pages that are shared with the custom Notion integration will now be part of the dataset.
With this synchronization, you can use a chatbot to discuss the content, perform question answers, connect to Slack, and more. Your chatbot can now access the Notion pages and use the data to train and improve its responses.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, the ChatBotKit Notion integration is a powerful tool that allows you to synchronize Notion pages with datasets easily. By following these simple steps, you can take advantage of this feature and improve your chatbot's performance.