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Comment ajouter de la mémoire à l'IA ChatBot

Apprenez à ajouter de la mémoire à votre chatbot IA à l'aide de ChatBotKit. En créant un ensemble de données, en ajoutant des enregistrements et en utilisant ces informations au cours des conversations, votre chatbot peut fournir des réponses plus précises et plus utiles aux utilisateurs.

If you are using ChatBotKit for building your own AI chatbot, adding memory to it is an important feature that allows the chatbot to remember previous conversations and provide better responses to users. ChatBotKit uses a dataset to store information that can be used by the chatbot during conversations. Here's how you can add memory to your AI chatbot using ChatBotKit:

Step 1: Create a Dataset

To add memory to your chatbot, you need to create a dataset. A dataset is a collection of records that contain information that the chatbot can access during conversations. In ChatBotKit, you can create a new dataset by navigating to the "Datasets" tab and clicking on the "Create Dataset" button. Give your dataset a name and add the necessary fields. You can also import an existing dataset if you have one.

Step 2: Add Records to the Dataset

Once you have created your dataset, you can add records to it. Records are individual pieces of information that the chatbot can use during conversations. You can add records to your dataset manually or automatically using the ChatBotKit API or integration platforms such as Zapier. To add records manually, simply navigate to the "Records" tab within your dataset and click on the "Create Record" button. Fill in the necessary fields with the information you want the chatbot to remember.

Step 3: Use the Memory in Conversations

Now that you have created your dataset and added records to it, your chatbot can use this information during conversations.

Before using the memory in your chatbot, you need to connect the dataset with your chatbot instance (such as Slack, Discord, or a standard bot instance). You can do this by selecting the dataset from the dataset select input in your chatbot settings. Once the dataset is connected, the chatbot can use the information stored in it during conversations to provide better responses to users.

Step 4: Extend the Memory Bank

As your chatbot interacts with more users, you may need to add more information to your dataset. You can do this manually by adding new records or automatically using the ChatBotKit API or integration platforms such as Zapier. By extending your memory bank, you can ensure that your chatbot continues to provide accurate and helpful responses to users.

In conclusion, adding memory to your AI chatbot using ChatBotKit is a simple and effective way to improve its conversational abilities. By creating a dataset, adding records to it, and using this information during conversations, you can create a chatbot with a memory that can be extended over time.