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Comment intégrer ChatBotKit à GitHub via Zapier pour répondre aux questions les plus courantes ?
Apprenez à intégrer ChatBotKit avec Github via Zapier pour répondre automatiquement aux nouveaux problèmes créés sur Github avec l'aide de l'action ChatBotKit Conversation Interaction. Ce tutoriel vous guidera à travers le processus de connexion de votre compte Github avec Zapier et votre compte ChatBotKit pour créer un chatbot qui répond aux problèmes courants. Grâce à cette intégration, votre chatbot sera en mesure de fournir une aide supplémentaire chaque fois qu'un nouveau problème est créé sur Github. Aucune compétence en codage n'est requise !
In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate ChatBotKit with Github via Zapier. This integration will allow you to automatically respond to new issues created on Github with the help of ChatBotKit Conversation Interaction action. The chatbot will use a dataset that contains information about common problems.
Conditions préalables
To follow along with this tutorial, you will need:
- A ChatBotKit account
- A Github account
- A Zapier account
Step 1: Create a new Zap in Zapier
- Log in to your Zapier account
- Click "Make a Zap!" button
- Choose Github as the trigger app and select "New Issue" as the trigger event
- Connect your Github account with Zapier
- Test the trigger by clicking "Test Trigger" button
Step 2: Add ChatBotKit Conversation Interaction Action
- Choose ChatBotKit as the action app
- Select "Conversation Interaction" as the action event
- Connect your ChatBotKit account with Zapier
- Select the dataset that contains information about common problems
- Customize the message that the chatbot will send as a response to the new issue created
- Test the action by clicking "Test & Continue" button
Step 3: Set up the Zap
- Review the information and settings for the Zap
- Turn on the Zap by toggling the switch button
- Name your Zap and save it
Congratulations! You have successfully integrated ChatBotKit with Github via Zapier. Now, whenever a new issue is created on Github, the chatbot will automatically respond with some additional help based on the dataset connected to it.
NOTE: The ChatBotKit Zapier integration is currently in beta. You can join the Zapier beta program by signing up here.