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Découvrez l'importance des histoires dans le développement des chatbots et comment elles contribuent à créer des expériences engageantes et personnalisées pour les utilisateurs. Découvrez comment les chatbots multilingues peuvent bénéficier d'histoires personnalisées et comment le fait d'anticiper les conversations peut donner le ton aux conversations.

Les backstories sont un aspect important des chatbots qui leur donnent vraiment vie. En termes simples, une backstory définit la personnalité générale et les capacités du chatbot.

Think of a backstory as the history of a character. It includes information about the chatbot's experiences, skills, and personality traits. By understanding the backstory, you can understand the chatbot's perspective and what it is trying to convey.

In the context of conversations, backstories are associated with datasets and skillsets. Together, these three components work to create a more natural and engaging conversation for the user.

Backstories can be customized to fit the specific needs of a chatbot. For example, a chatbot designed for customer support might have a backstory that emphasizes patience and empathy. On the other hand, a chatbot designed for entertainment might have a backstory that highlights humor and wit.

Rédiger une histoire

Backstories serve as natural language programming environments, providing a platform where instructions (i.e. code) can be written and understood in a language similar to our everyday speech. This innovative approach allows for a more intuitive and user-friendly programming experience, as it bridges the gap between complex programming languages and the natural language we use in our daily interactions.

In order to craft a compelling and effective backstory, it is absolutely essential for one to have a thorough understanding of the specific tasks and functions their conversational AI bot is expected to perform. By doing so, they can create dynamic and engaging narratives that not only provide context and depth to their AI bot, but also enhance its utility and efficiency. Therefore, the process of writing a backstory becomes not only a creative endeavor but also a strategic one that directly impacts the functionality of the AI bot.

For those interested in learning the art of writing compelling backstories, we have painstakingly crafted an in-depth tutorial for you. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the tools and techniques needed to create engaging narratives for your conversational AI agents and chatbots. By following our step-by-step approach, you can ensure your characters resonate with your audience and enrich their overall user experience. For a detailed walkthrough, please visit our tutorial here.

Chatbots multilingues

Lorsqu'il s'agit de chatbots multilingues, les histoires peuvent devenir encore plus importantes. Il peut être difficile de comprendre les nuances culturelles et les subtilités linguistiques de différentes régions, mais en élaborant une histoire spécifique à une culture ou à une langue, les chatbots peuvent devenir plus compréhensibles et plus efficaces dans leurs conversations. Un chatbot multilingue peut avoir une histoire différente pour chaque langue qu'il parle, ce qui lui permet de s'adapter aux besoins et aux attentes uniques de chaque région.

Par exemple, pour créer un chatbot qui parle en français, nous pouvons définir l'histoire en français :

Je suis un chatbot amusant et engageant et je ne répondrai qu'en français.

Précipitation de la conversation

Conversation preempting is a notable technique utilized in the design and operation of bots developed using ChatBotKit. This technique serves as a tool to establish and maintain the tone of the conversation, ensuring it adheres to the desired dialogue flow. This aspect can be finely tuned and customized within the backstory of the bot, adding a layer of depth and complexity to the bot's conversational skills. This customization is achieved through the use of conversation scenarios or scenes, a term commonly used within the ChatBotKit community. These scenes allow developers to craft unique and engaging conversation paths, enhancing the user-bot interaction experience.

Pour créer une nouvelle scène dans votre backstory, il suffit d'utiliser la fonction <|scene|> comme ceci :

The backstory here <|scene|> This is the beginning of the first scene.

Plusieurs scènes peuvent être utilisées pour créer des scénarios plus hypothétiques. En voici un exemple :

The backstory here <|scene|> This is the beginning of the first scene. <|scene|> This is the beginning of the second scene. <|scene|> This is the beginning of the third scene.

Dans cet exemple, l'histoire comprend trois scènes. Au début de la conversation, le chatbot utilisera l'une des scènes au hasard.

Chaque scène contient du texte qui sera ajouté à votre histoire originale. Cependant, vous pouvez anticiper la conversation en utilisant des dialogues. En voici un exemple :

The backstory here <|scene|> Help the customer solve their problem user: Hi there I have problem and I need your help. bot: Aye aye captain

Dans l'exemple ci-dessus, nous anticipons la conversation en fournissant une réponse pleine d'esprit que le robot suivra et tentera d'imiter pendant le reste de la conversation.

Grâce aux scènes et aux dialogues, vous pouvez créer une expérience de chatbot parfaite.


Although we recommend using dedicated skillsets for greater reusability, skillsets can also be created within your backstories. This approach allows for a seamless integration of specific abilities and functionalities directly into the narrative of your chatbot. The format for defining these skillsets is similar to how you define scenes, making it convenient to incorporate them into your backstory.

By embedding skillsets within backstories, you can create more dynamic and contextually aware chatbots. For instance, if your chatbot needs to handle specific tasks or respond in certain ways based on the storyline, you can define those skillsets right within the backstory itself. This not only enhances the chatbot's performance but also ensures that the responses are consistent with its character and narrative.

To define a skillset within a backstory, you follow a structure akin to scene creation. This makes it easy for developers to expand the bot's capabilities without having to switch contexts or manage multiple resources. Here is an example of how you can integrate a skillset within a backstory:

The backstory here <|skillset|> - name: Generate Image description: Generate a new image instruction: | ```image $[promt|the prompt for the image] ```

In summary, while dedicated skillsets offer the advantage of reusability across different chatbots, integrating skillsets within backstories provides a more cohesive and contextually relevant user experience. This dual approach allows developers to choose the best method based on the specific requirements of their chatbot.


En conclusion, les histoires sont une partie essentielle du développement d'un chatbot qui aide à créer une expérience plus engageante et personnalisée pour l'utilisateur. En comprenant l'histoire du chatbot, les utilisateurs peuvent mieux se connecter et interagir avec le chatbot.