
Check if the question has words in it which are also in a document.

créé parPeter Wagenaar

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  • Woordenscgat

    In order to fetch a document to check, you must use the following action. ```fetch GET https://api.example.com/documents/{document_id} HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token} ``` Make sure to replace `{document_id}` with the ID of the document you want to fetch.
  • Check

    To check the text you need to perform the following request: ```fetch GET https://reflect.site/g/studiobierkade/woordenschat/f0faf9aff26b4951afc0278475721583}?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` Check if the words are on the page: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/London?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` Multiple locations can be requested like this: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/{London,Paris}?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` The response is a text document with weather information.
  • Che

    To get the text you need to perform the following request: ```fetch GET https://www.evernote.com/shard/s53/sh/18ca9d5b-c8e0-dbd4-15e3-3550b3a4842e/EwREGQ7rVsCOkgtZp9018Qbw9_F45Aox-V-KT7Mn5AzMPnY7Ek_xcmM5yA?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` The {location} parameter could be any city. For example: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/London?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` Multiple locations can be requested like this: ```fetch GET https://wttr.in/{London,Paris}?format=4 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 ``` The response is a text document with weather information.

Étapes d'intégration

Follow these three simple steps to add Woordcheck to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Cloner l'ensemble des compétences

Clonez l'ensemble de compétences sur votre compte et ajoutez les personnalisations nécessaires.


Créer un robot

Sélectionnez le robot que vous souhaitez connecter à l'ensemble de compétences ou créez-en un nouveau.


Connecter l'ensemble des compétences

Sélectionnez l'ensemble de compétences dans la liste des ensembles de compétences disponibles et connectez-le au robot.

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