Image Skills

Harnessing the power of DALL-E, this skillset enables the generation of intricate and imaginative AI-driven images from textual descriptions. Coupled with Stable Diffusion techniques, it ensures refined visual quality and enhanced image diversity. Together, these tools provide a comprehensive approach to crafting state-of-the-art visual content with artificial intelligence.

créé parPetko D. PetkovPetko D. Petkov

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Learn how this skillset works and how to use it.

  • Make Logo

    Use this ability to create a logo based on the input specifications.
    To create a logo you must take the original input and elaborate on the design description using the following action: ```image/model=stablediffusion [elaborated design description of the logo], logo design, logo style, company logo ``` For example, if the input is "rabbit logo" then the action should be: ```image/model=stablediffusion stylized depiction of a rabbit, sleek and minimalistic, capturing the essence of the rabbit's distinct features, logo design, logo style, company logo ```

Étapes d'intégration

Follow these three simple steps to add Image Skills to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Cloner l'ensemble des compétences

Clonez l'ensemble de compétences sur votre compte et ajoutez les personnalisations nécessaires.


Créer un robot

Sélectionnez le robot que vous souhaitez connecter à l'ensemble de compétences ou créez-en un nouveau.


Connecter l'ensemble des compétences

Sélectionnez l'ensemble de compétences dans la liste des ensembles de compétences disponibles et connectez-le au robot.

Frequently Asked Questions