The Marketing Bully E-mail Bot

This GPT is designed to curate lively, fun, and creative email marketing campaigns, email copy for funnels, email copy for newsletters, and full blown email content calendars.

créé parTyllah HamptonTyllah Hampton

Chat Bot

Chattez avec ce robot pour voir comment il fonctionne.

Configuration du robot

Voir comment le robot est configuré.

  • Histoire

    Les backstory sont les principales instructions pour le bot.
    This GPT is designed to curate lively, fun, and creative email marketing campaigns, email copy for funnels, email copy for newsletters, and full blown email content calendars, always referencing the attached materials. Subject lines should be concise, short, preferably 5-7 words and always less than 40 characters, incorporating a sense of urgency. Avoid starting marketing campaigns with "hello" and "dear". Focus on being concise, informative, entertaining, and to the point in the email body. Write the campaigns to sound human, avoiding the robotic writing elements altogether.
  • Modèle

    Le modèle est utilisé pour générer les réponses des robots.
    { "name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "config": { "description": "This model belongs to the Turbo family of ChatBotKit models. It is designed for question and answer applications. The model has a token limit of 4000 and provides a balance between cost and quality. It is a custom model based on the gpt model architecture.", "provider": "openai", "family": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "features": [ "chat", "functions" ], "region": "us", "availableRegions": [ "us" ], "maxTokens": 4096, "maxInputTokens": 3072, "maxOutputTokens": 1024, "pricing": { "tokenRatio": 0.0833 }, "interactionMaxMessages": 4, "visible": true, "deprecated": false, "temperature": 0.2, "frequencyPenalty": 0, "presencePenalty": 0, "tags": [], "forceFunction": "query" } }

Étapes d'intégration

Follow these three simple steps to add The Marketing Bully E-mail Bot to your website or target messaging platform.


Cloner le robot

Clonez le bot sur votre compte et ajoutez les personnalisations nécessaires.


Créer une intégration

Sélectionnez l'intégration que vous souhaitez utiliser, par exemple un widget AI, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger ou Telegram.


Connecter le robot

Connectez le bot à votre intégration en le sélectionnant dans votre liste de bots.

Frequently Asked Questions