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Importateur de données structurées

La version améliorée de Website Importer prend désormais en charge l'importation de données structurées, une fonctionnalité qui promet d'immenses avantages pour les plateformes de commerce électronique dotées de vastes catalogues de produits.

We are excited to announce a revolutionary update to our Sitemap Integration feature (Website Importer). This new functionality is set to transform the way e-commerce websites interact with AI, by enabling the importation of entire websites into ChatBotKit Datasets with unprecedented customization options.

The enhanced Website Importer now supports the importing of structured data, a capability that promises immense benefits for e-commerce platforms with extensive product catalogs. Instead of extracting content page by page, the structured data importer focuses on the JSON+LD sections of web pages, importing product information directly. This method is not only efficient but also ensures a high level of accuracy and relevance in the data captured.

Key to this innovation is the addition of a JSON-LD selector within the Sitemap Integration's selectors section. Users can now specify this selector to direct the underlying spidering mechanism to extract both JSON-LD and HTML pages, thereby enriching content significantly. For those seeking to concentrate exclusively on JSON-LD data, the introduction of a skiphtml or nohtml selector enables this focus, avoiding the inclusion of standard pages in the dataset.

This update is designed to streamline the data integration process for e-commerce businesses, facilitating the creation of more sophisticated, knowledge-rich AI chatbots that can offer enhanced customer service experiences. By leveraging structured data, ChatBotKit's AI can provide more accurate product information, answer customer queries with greater precision, and offer recommendations that are highly tailored to individual user preferences.

The updated Sitemap Integration with Website Importer feature is available immediately for all ChatBotKit users.