retour au journal des modifications

Prise en charge complète de l'internationalisation

ChatBotKit annonce une mise à jour révolutionnaire de son AI Widget, offrant des capacités d'internationalisation étendues pour briser les barrières linguistiques et connecter les entreprises avec leurs clients dans le monde entier. La technologie d'IA avancée permet la traduction automatique de chaque facette de l'interface du widget, ce qui permet aux entreprises d'offrir une expérience hautement personnalisée à leurs utilisateurs finaux, indépendamment de la langue ou de la localisation.

We are excited to announce a revolutionary upgrade to our AI Widget. The platform now boasts extensive internationalisation capabilities, enabling businesses to break down language barriers and connect with customers worldwide.

The new feature leverages advanced AI technology to provide automatic translation for every facet of the widget interface. This includes all messages, custom configuration options, and screen components. With this update, the AI Widget can practically support an unlimited number of messages in various languages, giving businesses unprecedented flexibility and reach.

The rollout of this feature marks a significant milestone for ChatBotKit. It underscores our commitment to making AI technology accessible to a global audience. The ability to tailor AI products to specific local markets will empower our customers to deliver a highly personalised experience to their end users, regardless of language or location.

We see this update as a game-changer. By unlocking the capability to engage with users in their native language, businesses can foster deeper connections and drive greater customer satisfaction.

At ChatBotKit, we believe that inclusivity is just the start of the AI revolution. By bridging language gaps, we're enabling businesses to harness the power of conversational AI technologies in new and innovative ways.

We're committed to continually enhancing our platform to meet the evolving needs of businesses worldwide. As we look toward the future, we're excited about the potential of AI to transform the way businesses interact with their customers.