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Le widget ChatBotKit prend désormais en charge l'API côté client

Le widget ChatBotKit prend désormais en charge l'API côté client, ce qui permet d'envoyer et de recevoir des messages de manière programmatique. Intégrez facilement le widget sur votre site web et contrôlez mieux son comportement. Visitez notre page de documentation pour en savoir plus.

We are excited to announce that ChatBotKit Widget now supports client-side API, which allows you to programatically send and receive messages. With this new feature, you can easily embed the widget on your website and have greater control over its behavior.

The client-side API is easy to use and allows you to customize the widget to fit your specific needs. You can now send messages to the widget programmatically and receive responses in real-time. This means that you can build more sophisticated chatbot experiences without any additional development effort.

To get started with the client-side API, you can visit our Widget documentation page for more information. We hope that this new feature will help you create more engaging and personalized chatbot experiences for your users.

Thank you for choosing ChatBotKit Widget!