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Les Skillsets de ChatBotKit enregistrent désormais les événements d'action des skillsets !

Découvrez la nouvelle fonctionnalité de ChatBotKit Skillsets qui permet aux clients d'enregistrer les événements d'action des ensembles de compétences. Bénéficiez d'une visibilité totale sur les actions effectuées par les chatbots et analysez leurs résultats afin d'améliorer les performances et l'expérience utilisateur.

We are excited to announce that ChatBotKit Skillsets now have the capability to record skillset action events. This means that customers who use ChatBotKit Skillsets can now have full visibility into the actions being performed and the results of these actions.

This new feature is incredibly valuable for service improvements, as well as for debugging and troubleshooting any issues with the Skillset abilities. With the ability to access all events in the Event Log associated with each Skillset or Ability, customers can easily track and analyze the actions taken by their chatbots. By having a clear understanding of what actions are being executed and their outcomes, customers can make informed decisions to enhance their chatbot's performance and deliver a better user experience.

We are thrilled to provide this powerful feature to our customers and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on their chatbot development process.

Thank you for choosing ChatBotKit!