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Version 0.6.0 du SDK React de ChatBotKit

Découvrez la dernière version de ChatBotKit React SDK 0.6.0, qui comprend le nouveau composant AutoScroller et des améliorations de la qualité du code. Mettez à jour votre chatbot pour une expérience utilisateur plus fluide.

We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.6.0 of ChatBotKit React SDK. This release addresses several code-quality improvements and introduces a new component for developers to use.

AutoScroller Component

The newly introduced AutoScroller component is designed to help developers implement an area for incoming messages that preserves the scroll position when new messages are added. This provides a smooth and seamless user experience for chatbots built using ChatBotKit React SDK.

Code-Quality Improvements

We have also made several code-quality improvements in this release to enhance the overall stability and reliability of the SDK.

We encourage all developers to upgrade to version 0.6.0 to take advantage of these new features and improvements.

Thank you for using ChatBotKit React SDK!