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ChatBotKit prend désormais en charge les Webhooks

ChatBotKit prend désormais en charge les webhooks, ce qui permet aux clients de recevoir des notifications en temps réel sur les événements et d'automatiser les flux de travail. Améliorez votre solution d'IA conversationnelle avec ChatBotKit dès aujourd'hui !

We are thrilled to announce that ChatBotKit now supports webhooks, which is an amazing new feature that provides our customers with the ability to set up their applications to receive events from ChatBotKit.

This feature allows customers to receive notifications about any events that occur in real-time, which can be extremely useful for business and marketing purposes. With webhooks, users can automate their workflow and create new and innovative ways of interacting with their customers. Additionally, this feature enables our customers to keep track of events that are happening within their applications, making it easier to stay on top of things and stay informed about any changes that occur.

We believe that this new feature will enhance the overall ChatBotKit experience and provide our customers with even more flexibility and control.

Thank you for choosing ChatBotKit as your conversational AI solution!