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ChatBotKit Now Supports Advanced Model Customizations

ChatBotKit now offers advanced model customizations, allowing users to tailor their chatbot's outputs to their specific needs.

We are thrilled to announce that ChatBotKit has now integrated advanced model customizations. Our users can now customize the model Max Tokens, Temperature, Frequency Penalty, and Presence Penalty to tailor the chatbot's output to their specific needs.

Our brand new settings window provides an easy-to-use interface for modifying these settings. Users can access the settings and make changes with just a few clicks. Additionally, our API also allows for customization of the model settings.

With the ability to customize these settings, ChatBotKit users can now create chatbots that are even more tailored to their specific use cases. We are excited to see how our users leverage these new features to create unique and powerful chatbot experiences.

For more information about ChatBotKit's advanced model customizations, please visit our website or contact our support team.

Meta description: ChatBotKit now offers advanced model customizations, allowing users to tailor their chatbot's outputs to their specific needs. Learn more on our website!