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ChatBotKit Node SDK version 0.12.0 disponible !

La version 0.12.0 de ChatBotKit Node SDK a été publiée, avec un nouveau paramètre de curseur pour la pagination et le streaming. En savoir plus et télécharger la dernière version à partir de notre paquet npm.

We are excited to announce that the ChatBotKit Node SDK has reached version 0.12.0! This version includes several code-quality improvements and a new parameter called cursor.

Les cursor parameter affects all list methods and allows pagination and paginated streaming to start from any arbitrary point. This is a powerful feature that will make it easier for developers to manage large amounts of data.

We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our users, and we believe that this new feature will help us achieve that goal. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future releases, please let us know.

To learn more about the ChatBotKit Node SDK and to download the latest version, please visit our npm package.

Thank you for using ChatBotKit!