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ChatBotKit lance l'intégration de l'extraction de données

ChatBotKit est ravi d'annoncer le lancement de sa toute dernière intégration, Data Extract. Cette fonctionnalité innovante comble le fossé entre les données de conversation non structurées et les bases de données structurées, permettant aux entreprises de transformer leurs conversations en données structurées pour des capacités d'analyse robustes. Avec Extract, les entreprises peuvent acquérir une compréhension holistique des besoins et des préférences de leurs utilisateurs, en exploitant les données générées dans les interactions avec les clients pour alimenter d'autres systèmes et fournir des informations plus approfondies. Rejoignez-nous pour redéfinir l'avenir des technologies d'IA conversationnelle avec Extract.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest integration, Data Extract or simply Extract. This innovative feature promises to usher in a new era of interactivity by bridging the gap between unstructured conversation data and structured databases.

The "Extract" integration is a powerful tool designed to activate as soon as a conversation becomes idle. It works by utilizing a provided JSON schema to extract specific information from the dialogue. The extracted data is then stored in the conversation metadata, which can be accessed at a later stage through the ChatBotKit API or the user-friendly dashboard.

What makes "Extract" a game-changer is its potential to revolutionize how businesses approach analytics. By enabling our customers to transform their conversations into structured data, we're providing them with the means to build robust analytics capabilities. This data can be used to populate databases, fuel other systems, and provide deeper insights into customer interactions.

The "Extract" integration is not just about data extraction; it's about empowering businesses with the tools they need to gain a holistic understanding of their users' needs and preferences. By combining conversational AI technologies in this novel way, we're opening up a world of possibilities for businesses to leverage the data they generate every day in their customer interactions.

We at ChatBotKit are excited about the potential of the "Extract" integration. We believe it will not only help our customers make sense of their data but also redefine the future of conversational AI technologies. By integrating "Extract" into their systems, our customers can look forward to a future where every conversation is a chance to learn, adapt, and grow.